Who? What? (About)
- What’s this all about?
I’m Caro Sheridan. Born on the West coast of Canada, I spent my formative years in creative environs surrounded by fabric and yarn. While my mum taught knitting, embroidery, and couture tailoring from home, I played Barbies under the table, seemingly oblivious. Fabric cutting tables have osmotic properties though and I learned how to set in sleeves and turn hems before I was seven years old. Although I tried my hand at professional dancing and snowboarding for several years, I’ve since returned to my roots and am putting my knitting and sewing skills to better use.
Splityarn project bags and pouches are all designed and handmade in Boston. Great care is taken when selecting fabric, coordinating zipper and thread colours, pattern placement, and finishing details. Fabrics are all cotton and/or linen, produced in both the US and Japan. All bags and pouches are lined with a sturdy, fused interfacing for a minimalist bag that stands up well to use.
- What's up with shipping?
I will happily combine shipping for multiple items. The shop checkout cart takes care of all that, so no need to fret. Most items generally run around $2 or so. I also ship internationally for just slightly more than that. Due to their size, boxbags ship Priority Mail within the US for just under $5.
- When’s the next shop update?
I’m a one-woman sweat shop, but I generally try to have an update every couple weeks or so. If there’s something you love that’s out of stock, feel free to ping me to see when the next update will be. The absolute best way to know for sure is to subscribe to the shop mailing list. Handy!
- What is your refund policy? Not that I could ever part with something you so lovingly made.
I will gladly refund you fully within 30 days of receipt if you are unsatisfied with your purchase. I will also apologize profusely and carry the guilt around with me forever. Please let me know if you have any issues with anything you buy from me and I'll do my best to make it right.
- What forms of payment do you accept?
We gladly accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, or regular account payments all through PayPal.
- Do you wholesale your bags?
You bet I do! Just shoot me a note using the contact page.
- Do I need a PayPal account to purchase from this store?
No, you are not required to have a PayPal account to purchase from this store. Although if you already have a PayPal account you may use it.
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- Tell me about photography stuff!
- Tell me about pattern releases!
- I want to know ALL THE THINGS!
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